التكنولوجيا وطرق التدريس والبحث العلمى

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التكنولوجيا وطرق التدريس والبحث العلمى

التكنولوجيا وطرق التدريس والبحث العلمى

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى دكتور ابراهيم الفار

    Context of the problem

    عضو جديد
    عضو جديد

    عدد المساهمات : 9
    تاريخ التسجيل : 06/12/2011

    Context of the problem  Empty Context of the problem

    مُساهمة  DspEG336 الخميس مارس 29, 2012 8:08 pm

    The researcher conducted apilot study through attending some English classes and conducting some informal interview at El-Naser secondary school .The pilot study revealed that students reading skill is much more developed than their listening skill .It also revealed that listening activities are limited to the pre-while –post method which focuses o meaning ; i.e teachers give pre-questions and struggle to help students reach the correct answers rather than teaching them how to listen . Such testing atmosphere arouses the students anxiety which blocks their ability to
    Statement of the problem :
    This study coducted to investigate the effectiveness of captioned versus untitled movies in developing listening skill and reducing listening anxiety among EFL secondary schools tudents
    Purpose of the study
    The present study aims at investigating the effectiveness of captioned versus untitled movies in developing listening skill and reducing listening axiety among EFL secondary school students . for this purpose , two classess were selected at random and assigned ito two experimental groups . Paqrticipants of the first experimental group listened to captioned movies whereas participants I the secod experimental group listened to untitled versions of the same movies. Pre-post listining test and listening anxietyscale were prepared ad administered by the researcher . The data obtaind were statistically analyzed using the t-test to compare students ' listening skill and listening anxiety Results confirmed the effectiveness of captioned movies in developig listening skill and reducing listening anxiety among first year secondary school students .
    This program aims at developing the listening skill ad reducing listening anxiety among EFL secondary students through a program based on English movies by the end of this program, students should be able :-
    1- Listen and answer gist questions about the movie .
    2- Listen and answer specific – information questions about the movie
    3- Listen and answer questions about movie details
    4- practice necessary listenig skills eg, listening to words listenning to intonation and listening to reduced forms
    The Research Questions :
    This study attempts to find answer to the following main question :
    To what extent are captioned versus untitled movies effective in developing listening skill and reducing listening anxiety among EFL secondary school students ?
    The following sub-questions is exmined :
    1- To what extent are captioned versus utitled movies effective In developing EFL secondary school students skill of Identifying intonation and Tone ?
    2-1- To what extent are captioned versus utitled movies effective In developing EFL secondary school students skill of Recognizing reduced forms ?
    3- To what extent are captioned versus utitled movies effective In developig EFL secondary school students skill of Recognizing words
    4- To what extent are captioned versus utitled movies effective In developing EFL secondary school students skill of Comprehending Setences
    5- To what extent are captioned versus utitled movies effective In developing Listening for the Gist amog EFL secondary school studets ?
    6- To what extent are captioned versus utitled movies effective In To what extent are captioned versus utitled movies effective In Details amog EFL secondary school students
    7- To what extent are captioned versus utitled movies effective developing Listening for Specific Information among EFL secondary school students
    8- To what extent are captioned versus utitled movies effective in reducing listening axiety among EFL secondary school studets ?
    Research Hypotheses
    This study formulates the following hypotheses
    1- No statistically significant difference will be foud between the two groups in the gain means of Identifying Intonation and Tone
    2- No statistically significant difference will be foud between the two
    groups in the gain means of Recognizing Reduced Forms .
    3- No statistically significant difference will be found between the two
    groups in the gain means Recognizing words context
    4- No statistically significant difference will be foud between the two
    groups in the gain means of Sentence Comprehension
    5- No statistically significant difference will be found between the two
    groups in the gain means of Listening for the Details
    6- No statistically significant difference will be found between the two
    groups in the gain means of Listening for Gist
    7- No statistically significant difference will be found between the two
    groups in the gain means of Listening for Specific Information
    8- No statistically significant difference will be found between the two
    Groups means in Reduced Anxiety

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الخميس سبتمبر 19, 2024 1:27 am