التكنولوجيا وطرق التدريس والبحث العلمى

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التكنولوجيا وطرق التدريس والبحث العلمى

التكنولوجيا وطرق التدريس والبحث العلمى

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2 مشترك

    الواجب الثانى

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    عدد المساهمات : 3
    تاريخ التسجيل : 28/12/2011

    الواجب الثانى Empty الواجب الثانى

    مُساهمة  dspeg334 الخميس مارس 29, 2012 10:09 pm

    . Speaking is the productive skills in the oral mode .It, like the other skills, is more complicated than it seems at first and involves more than just pronouncing words
    . In spite of it's important, in the past few years, teaching speaking has been neglected and many language teachers have gone on to teach. Speaking just as a repetition of drills or memorization of dialogue (Kayi, 2006). Speaking in the early 1970s usually meant repeating after the teacher, reciting a memorized dialogue or responding to mechanical drill (Shrum and Glisan 2000:26).
    Learners are given more chance for practice speaking skills are quite limited. Instead of regarding English as a tool for communication, learners try hard to cope with this difficult subject in order to pass examinations. However, the modern society requires that the aim of teaching
    Speaking should develop learner's communication ability; the goal of teaching speaking should improve student's communication skills as in that way students can express themselves and learn how to comply with the social and cultural rules appropriate in particular communication circumstance. .
    Anxiety has been found to be highly correlated to second/foreign language acquisition. High-anxious students tend to perform worse than their low-anxious peers; they also tend to speak (more) briefly and sometimes even inaudibly. Highly anxious learners can even speak with shaking hands and/or legs; some even go blank when having to speak the target language. Thus, many choose to remain silent in class and thus their oral proficiency in the target language just falls down or becomes lower, as found in Liu’s [12, 13] studies
    Anxiety is found to have a detrimental effect on students’ confidence, self-esteem and level of participation. Anxious learners suffer from mental blocks during spontaneous speaking activities, lack confidence, are less able to self-edit and identify language errors and are more likely to employ avoidance strategies such as skipping class
    In learning speaking skills , the students often find some problems . The problem frequently found is that their native language causes them difficult to use the foreign language . Other reason is because of motivation lack to practice the second language in daily conversation .They are also too shy and afraid to take part in the conversation . Students suffer from lack confidence.Many factors can cause the problem of the students' speaking skills namely the students' interest , the material and the media among others including the technique in teaching English . Many techniques can be including role play and discussions .
    According to Yue (2005) teacher should take measures to promote students to speak in the language classroom. He lists six ways1) Choose meaningful topics involving information gap ; 2) give clear understandable instruction ; 3 ) monitor pair l group work in a sensitive way ;4) encourage students to speak with consideration of introversion and extroversion ;5)lower anxiety ,create a relaxed atmosphere;6)train students use communicative strategies
    According to Kayi (2006) there are some activities to promote speaking discussion: 1)role play 2)simulation 3)information gap 4) brainstorming 5)story telling 6) interviews To create classroom speaking activities that will develop communicative competence ,instructors need to incorporate a purpose and an information gap and allow for multiple forms of expression Structors need to combine structured output activities (information gap activities and jigsaw activities )which allow for error correction and increased accuracy , with communicative output activities (role play and discussions )that gives students opportunities to practice language use more freely .

    Communicative output activities allow students to practice using all of the language they know in situations that resemble real settings .
    In communicative output ,the learners' main purpose is to complete a
    task, such as obtaining information ,developing a travel plan , or creating a video. To complete the task ,they may use the language that the instructor has just presented ,but they also may draw on any other vocabulary ,grammar ,and communication strategies that they know . In communicative output activities , the criterion of success is whether the
    learner gets the message across. Accuracy is not a consideration unless the lack of it interferes with the message. .In these activities, language is a tool, not an end in itself .The most common types of communicative output activity are role play and discussions.
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    عدد المساهمات : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : 14/03/2012

    الواجب الثانى Empty رد: الواجب الثانى

    مُساهمة  DSPEG359 الإثنين أبريل 02, 2012 8:07 pm


    Writing is an important skill in all languages:it is a medium of thinking,reasoning,discovering,creating and sharing of ideas.Writing entails iteraction between the writer,the text and the reader.students can write collaboratively and in solitary.The should be encouraged to write and express themselves on subjects of interest to them.They should be helped to develop their ability to evaluate their own writing and to correct their errors.
    Creating a written composition is difficult.EFL/ESL Students struggle with many issues including selecting proper words,using correct grammar,generating ideas,and developing ideas about specific topics .
    More importantly,they have trouble developing functional language skills such as proper natural language used in different social contexts and using language in creative ways.Moreover,writing teachers tend to focus largely on teaching students grammar and proper language structure,and typically see students as passive writers.These factors hamper students from improving their classroom interaction and keep them from developing more active learning in writing(Yanghee,K.&Jiyoung,K.2005).
    Reports in writing research(2007)identified 11 elements of current writing instruction found to be effective for overcoming writing problems and helping EFL Students learn to write well and to use writing as a tool for learning:
    1- Writing Strategies,which involve teaching students strategies for planning,revising and editing their compositions.
    2- Summarization,which involves explicitly and systematically teaching students how to summarize texts.
    3- collaborative writing,which uses instructional arrangements in which students work togather to plan,draft,revise and edit their compositions.
    4-Specific product goals,which assign students specific,reachable goals for the writing they are to complete.
    5-Word Processing,which uses computers and word processors as instructional support for writing assignments.
    6- Sentence Combining,which involves teaching students to construct more complex sentences.
    7-Pre-writing,which engages students in activities designed to help them generate and organize ideas for their compositions.
    8-Inquiry Activities,which engages students in analyzing immediate ,concrete data to help them develop ideas and content for a particular content task.
    9-Process Writing Approach,which interweaves a number of writing instructional activities in a workshop environment that stresses extended writing opportunities ,writing for authentic audiences,personalized instruction,and cycles of writing.
    10-Study of Models,which provides students with opportunities to read,analyze and emulate models of good writing.
    11-Writing for Content Learning,which uses writing as a tool for learning content material.

    One of the strategies that combines the advantages of the above techniques is"scaffolding".The term Scaffolding comes from the works of Wood,Bruner and Ross (1976).Scaffolding means providing support(models,cues,prompts,hints,partial solutions)to students to bridge the gap between what student can do on their own and what students can do with guidance from others.Scaffolding is actually a bridge used to build upon what students already know to arrive at something they do not know.If Scaffolding is properly administered,it will act as an enabler (Benson,1997).When the student takes responsibility for or masters the task,the teacher begins the process of "fading" ,or the gradual removal of the scaffolding,which allows the student to work independently.The goal of scaffolding is for students to become independent,self-regulating problem solvers who are more self-sufficient and less teacher dependent.
    The scaffolding strategy consists of teaching new skills by engaging students collaboratively in tasks that would be too difficult for them to complete on their own.The instructor initially provides extensive instructional support ,or scaffolding to continually assist the students in building their understanding of new content and process.Communication between the teacher and the learner leads into the student internalizing what is learnt.Once the student internalize the process,the temporary scaffolding provided by the instructor is removed to reveal the impressive permanent structure of student understanding (Herber and Herber,1993).

    Many research findings indicate that scaffolding facilitates learning in the following ways(McKenzie,1999.,Paulsen,1995):
    *Scaffolding helps learners make connections between what they already know and the new information,which is being presented.
    * It helps in developing mental schema into which new informationis transformed,as it becomes personal knowledge.That is,it helps in the organization of new information in ways that are meaningful to the learner.This assists in the development of evolving knowledge bases containing restructured information.
    *It reduces learning ambiguity,confusion,uncertainty,surprise and disappointment.This facilitates the development of personal knowledge which is meaningful and which can be used by the learner.
    *It provides clear direction to educators to anticipate problems that students might encounter and then develop step by step instructions which explain what a student must do to meet expectations.
    *It clarifies purpose and expectations and incorporates assessment and feedback.Scaffolding helps students understand why they are doing the work and why it is important.
    *It involves making decisions by instructors about the context of teaching,the content to be taught,planning of the learning experience,modeling the use of strategies,guided and then independent practice by the learner.

    The scaffolding provided by the teacher in the learning process encompasses all kinds of support to facilitate and enhance learning(Scarcella&Oxford,1992).Language learning strategies LLSs are precisely a kind of scaffolding that teachers can provide.In other words,teachers can teach students new strategies and can help them sharpen their existing ones.Equipped with (LLSs) learners will employ them on their own to continue their learning process even with the absence of the teacher s support(Rae L. Lan,2005).After all,teachers will not be there for learners after they leave the learning environment;however,with the gain of "self-control and autonomy through strategy use"(Oxford&Nyikos 1989),learners will be able to continue their journey in the learning of either a second ora foreign language.

    There are four phases of the instructional scaffolding model as identified by Vygotsky (Byrnes,2001),Beed,Hawkins and Roller (1991),and Hogan and Pressley (1997):
    -Modeling of desired behaviors:Moeling is defined as a teaching behavior that shows how one should feel,think or act within a given situation (Duffy,Roehler &Hermanne,1988).It includes think-aloud modeling where the learners are shown an illustration of how to feel or think as they progress through a task.Modeling also includes talk-aloud where the learners are shown how to act by the designated teacher talking about the task as it is completed.
    -Inviting student participation:After the teacher provides illustrations of some of the thinking,feelings or doing that are needed to complete the task,the learners have opportunities to fill in the pieces they knew and understood.Learners are given opportunities to join in the process that is occurring.
    -Verifying and clarifying student understandings:Teacher offers less assistance and feedback to assist students performance as they begin to master the new process or content.If the emerging understandings are reasonable,the responses are verified.If the emerging understandings are not reasonable,the teacher offers clarifications e.g.asking guiding questions,simplifying the language,asking for completion rather than generating answers,and offering clues and body language.
    -Inviting students to contribute clues:I n this form of scaffolding,students have achieved an expert level of mastery and are encouraged to offer clues about how to complete the task.Togather,the teacher and students verbalized the process.

    EFL learners in Libyan public schools begin to practice writing for the second year of the preparatory stage.Therefore,the researcher conducted a pilot study on the second year preparatory school students to detect the problems and difficulties of writing composition at the early stage.The pilot study included 60 male students in two classes who were asked to write a paragraph on an assigned topic.

    The analysis of the students writings revealed that they wrote from five to six sentences with errors in spelling,punctuation,grammar,use of vocabulary.In addition,an interview with teachers in this stage revealed that they do not teach students writing strategies that are necessary for producing written texts.
    Scaffolding the learning of a writing strategy means helping students to try the strategy with the teacher assistance.Peer scaffolding is useful because it allows all learners to obtain first the prerequisites and then the learning and practice necessary so that all can successfully learn.Each learner has access to a number of possible scaffolders with different knowledge,skill,and teaching styles.This diversity improves the probability of lear

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